Friday, September 23, 2011


All week we’ve been celebrating shapes. We’ve learned that shapes are all around us... everything is a shape of some sort! 

{We made shapes with rubber bands and geo-boards.}

{We made shapes with our bodies. I think this one was a triangle...}

{... and a circle}

{We found shapes in patterns - and colored them... circles = green, squares = orange, 
rectangles = purple, and triangles = blue}

{And today we found shapes in photographs from Smithsonian magazines.}

If you have a chance this weekend, point out some real life objects to your first grader and ask them what shape they see!

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Newest Members of 1D

Since the start of our unit on Metamorphosis we’ve been caring for some baby caterpillars. They’ve been growing and growing and this week they have begun to change - forming a chrysalis while undergoing an amazing transformation inside. We would love to share our discovery =)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Colossians 3:23

The rumor has gotten out that we’re learning a new bible verse, and it’s no surprise because the folks in 1D are pumped about it! We have a special way of saying it with a beat and adding whatever we’re doing next to the beginning of the verse. Our class knows that as soon as they have it down, we’ll be making a video and uploading it here for you to see - so keep an eye out!  =)

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord not for people. 

Colossians 3:23

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Magnificent Metamorphosis

This week we jumped head first into a study of metamorphosis - concentrating on the life cycle of the Monarch. We have a few life specimens munching away parsley in a jar in our classroom. 1-D was particularly excited about these new “class pets” and has been observing them intently since they arrived.

We’ve also been getting familiar with the steps in the Monarch’s life cycle, and its name in each stage. Check out our ordering and labeling from this morning:  

Also, make sure you stop by and investigate out the bulletin board outside our classroom... it is proudly displaying more student work from our Monarch study.

If you’d like to learn more about the life cycle of butterflies or want to support your child’s learning at home, watch this incredible video. Our first graders LOVED it! And if you watch with your kiddo I can guarantee that he/she will be more than happy to narrate =)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fiction Post-It Project

You may have noticed our display in the hallway this last week. We did this project to show all that we’ve learned about the differences between fiction and nonfiction. After a week of practice differentiating between fiction and nonfiction works, students read through books in our class library on the hunt for fiction. Every time they found something that could not happen in real life, they wrote it down on a Post-It. We finally compiled all out Post-Its to create the word “fiction."

{planting a bread tree}

{eight little monsters sip tea at eleven}

{hens cooking}

{riding a pig to school}

{a fish is driving a car}

{a cat being a dog’s mom}

{bears are wearing clothes}

As you read stories with your first grader at home this week, be sure and ask them if their story is fiction or nonfiction.. they’ll be more than happy to let you know! =)