Hello, first grade families! Thanks for visiting the blog... feel free to look around. I LOVE teaching first graders and like to share all the exciting things that go on in the classroom. A few years into teaching I realized that simply sending home work products and tests can in no way do justice to all the learning that takes place in my classroom, so I began blogging to share a more accurate portrayal of all that we do.
To give you a bit of background, I was the kind of first-grader who needed to experience something to learn it. Reading or hearing about it alone just wasn’t enough. As it turns out, research confirms what I experienced as a 6 year old... the more our senses are engaged (think: movements, songs, experiments, pictures and video clips) the more we remember. So, as you may already have guessed, we will be doing ALL of these things and many more in my class this year! You can expect a lot of in-class projects, experiments and hands-on learning (and the picture proof will be found right here). However, before we get into first grade content, we have some other very important things to learn: Procedures. Procedures are the way we do routine tasks such as morning routines, moving around the classroom, lining up and walking in the hall. The better we learn our procedures, the more time we will have to learn content.
Thank you all for entrusting your most precious gift to us, allowing us to come alongside you to guide and show them the love of Christ. I’m looking forward to getting to know each of your children and their unique talents and gifts. Much prayer and planning has gone into this year, and I can’t wait for all the exciting things it will bring!