Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can you believe it’s summer already!? For me this past year has flown by and I’ve enjoyed this group more than words can say. In preparing for the upcoming year I’ve been thinking quite a lot about this past one... reflecting on the things I taught and even more, the innumerable things I’ve learned from our first graders. Here are just a few that I’d like to share:

:: Happiness may be determined by our circumstances, but JOY is determined by our outlook. 

:: Imagination is not frivolous, but essential - we become old when we stop dreaming.  

:: It’s never too late to learn something new... and in learning something new, it’s not talent that counts so much as our perseverance.

There is no way to express in words alone what a great joy is has been to learn along side our fabulous and bright group of youngsters this year. I hope you and your family have a wonderful summer and I’ll see you back in the fall!