Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Online Learning Resources!

Check out some the of great sites below! Remember to leave a comment about which sites you visited and what you liked about them!

For Spelling Practice:

{click on image to link to site, then type in all your spelling words for the week. You practice typing them, and even take a practice test on this website!}

For Math Facts Practice:

{click image to link to site.. once there, click “next” then under 
#1: Skill Level, select up to 10
#2: Operation, select add
#3: How Many Minutes? select 2
... then start!}

For Reading and Phonics Practice:
{click image to link to site, then choose your game by skill... a few of the games we do in computer station for reading are from this site}

{click image to link to site, then have some of your favorite books read to you by famous actors and actresses!}

{click on image to link to site, then practice some sight words... this kind of activity is great for helping first-graders read fluently!}

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How To Help at Home

I got this idea from another first grade teacher at New Hope... The spelling tree. I hope you find as helpful as I have!

The following video is the only that may need an additional explanation. Several parents have asked me how they can help their first graders practice new phonics sounds at home. This is how I introduce new sounds in the classroom and it’s a great strategy to use at home also to reinforce new sounds. The thing I love about practicing sounds this way, is that students who learn best by hearing, seeing or moving are right at home with this method... they “write" the letters with their fingers, feel the sound in their throat at they say it, hear the sound as they chant it, and see the sound on their chart or flashcard. Hopefully that will help to shed a bit more light on this video.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Site for Sight Words

Several parents have been asking lately about sight words and ways to practice at home. I’ll be sharing a lot more goodies during “office hour” next Friday morning, but I thought I’d go ahead and share a little something now, just peak your anticipation! ;)

{click on picture to jump to site}

This is a great and super simple sight for kiddos to hop on at home to practice their sight words. This is how I’d use this resource:
*Adult sits with student as he/she reads the words aloud and adult clicks the “yes” or “no” depending on wether the student gets the word correct. At the end, print or write down the words student missed on flashcards for student to study. Try again in a week or so to measure improvement!