Thursday, February 24, 2011

After sculpting our landforms this week, each person did a dictation (I typed exactly what they said) about their landform. Here a just a few previews of what is to come... Check out these fabulous descriptions!

"I made a desert with 2 cactus and little holes in the ground. Rattle snakes live in the those holes."

"I made a wetland. Wetlands have a lot of shallow water. My water is frozen and has some snow on it. This tree is a good place for someone who is traveling to sit and take a rest and put their feet in the water (if it melted)."

"Mine has a bunch of grass and flowers. And it has some hills. I made about 3 hills. Mine is called a prairie. A prairie dog could live here because it’s a place that is sunny and not too wet with a bunch of grass."

"My valley has a big hole through it so the water can go through it. It helps the water go to the ocean."

"Mine is mountain. It has some things that I sprinkled around it to make rocks. My mountain has some bumps on the sides."

... and just think, there are still 59 you have yet to read - and a landform sculpture to go with each  =)

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